Mike Hearn Early CORE BTC – 21 Members
“The vast majority of mining hash power was controlled by people who were psychologically incapable of disobedience to perceived authority.” -Mike Hearn

I’ve spent more than 5 years being a Bitcoin developer. The software I’ve written has been used by millions of users, hundreds of developers, and the talks I’ve given have led directly to the creation of several startups. I’ve talked about Bitcoin on Sky TV and BBC News. I have been repeatedly cited by the Economist as a Bitcoin expert and prominent developer. I have explained Bitcoin to the SEC, to bankers and to ordinary people I met at cafes.
From the start, I’ve always said the same thing: Bitcoin is an experiment and like all experiments, it can fail. So don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. I’ve said this in interviews, on stage at conferences, and over email. So have other well known developers like Gavin Andresen and Jeff Garzik.

Hello again. It’s been a while.
People have been emailing me about once a week or so for the last year to ask if I’m coming back to Bitcoin now that Bitcoin Cash exists. And a couple of weeks ago I was summoned on a thread called “Ask Mike Hearn Anything”, but that was nothing to do with me and I was on holiday in Japan at the time. So I figured I should just answer all the different questions and answers in one place rather than keep doing it individually over email.
Firstly, thanks for the kind words on this sub. I don’t take part anymore but I still visit occasionally to see what people are talking about, and the people posting nice messages is a pleasant change from three years ago.
Secondly, who am I? Some new Bitcoiners might not know.
I am Satoshi.
Just kidding. I’m not Satoshi. I was a Bitcoin developer for about five years, from 2010-2015. I was also one of the first Bitcoin users, sending my first coins in April 2009 (to SN), about 4 months after the genesis block. I worked on various things:
I wrote the first documentation on smart contracts, gave the first talk on the concept and based on some hints from Satoshi designed and documented what I called “micropayment channels“.
I had numerous email exchanges with Satoshi. I didn’t know at the time that this was very rare.
My main effort was an implementation of a Java library called bitcoinj. This was the engine used in the first p2p mobile wallet (“Bitcoin Wallet for Android”), and the first p2p desktop wallet that was faster to run than Bitcoin [Core] itself (MultiBit). These together were responsible for around 2.5 million user installs at a time when downloading the full block chain was becoming too slow for normal users to tolerate and the only alternative was a “bitbank” or cloud-hosted wallet. It was used in the first trustless gambling site (SatoshiDice), over 100 products and projects, and many academic research papers.
With Gavin Andresen and others I designed some upgrades to the Bitcoin protocol like Bloom filtering and BIP70.
With Matt Corrallo I implemented and demonstrated the first version of (micro)payment channels. I put together a demo of a file server that charged micropayments using a GUI called Payfile (mentioned in New Scientist here). I used to have a video of this but unfortunately it no longer seems to be on YouTube. Payment channels went on to be used in the design of the Lightning Network.
I built an open source peer to peer Kickstarter-style crowdfunding app that used smart contracts, called Lighthouse. It is no longer maintained or available but there’s still an intro video here, the source code is here, and I gave a development retrospective talk on what was easy and what was hard about building really decentralised apps on Bitcoin. It was intended to be used to fund Bitcoin upgrades.
I spoke at a lot of conferences, like this talk on autonomous agents that use cryptocurrency. My last conference appearance was a 30 minute session where I live coded a block chain timestamping app from scratch.
You can see a trend here – I was always interested in developing peer to peer decentralised applications that used Bitcoin.
But what I’m best known for is my role in the block size debate/civil war, documented by Nathaniel Popper in the New York Times. I spent most of 2015 writing extensively about why various proposals from the small-block/Blockstream faction weren’t going to work (e.g. on replace by fee, lightning network, what would occur if no hard fork happened, soft forks, scaling conferences etc). After Blockstream successfully took over Bitcoin Core and expelled anyone who opposed them, Gavin and I forked Bitcoin Core to create Bitcoin XT, the first alternative node implementation to gain any serious usage. The creation of XT led to the imposition of censorship across all Bitcoin discussion forums and news outlets, resulted in the creation of this sub, and Core supporters paid a botnet operator to force XT nodes offline with DDoS attacks. They also convinced the miners and wider community to do nothing for years, resulting in the eventual overload of the main network.
I left the project at the start of 2016, documenting my reasons and what I expected to happen in my final essay on Bitcoin in which I said I considered it a failed experiment. Along with the article in the New York Times this pierced the censorship, made the wider world aware of what was going on, and thus my last gift to the community was a 20% drop in price (it soon recovered).

2020 05 08 Bitcoin History Part 2: ‘We were all big blockers, except Greg’. Kurt Wuckert Jr
2019 08 08 An interesting timeline… Mike Hearn ? Zhell – Mike Hearn being Unwriter?
2019 07 02 El secuestro de Bitcoin y la visión original de Satoshi. Por IGOR DOMSAC
2018-10-08 – VIDEO DevDay – Looking forward, looking back, things you might see discussed on Slack
2018-04-06 Mike Hearn: Bitcoin Cash Is Repeating Bitcoin’s Mistakes. coindesk
2017 09 04 An Apology to Mike Hearn. Eli Afram (CoinGeek)
2017 03 26 – VIDEO Mike Hearn: Autonomous agents, self driving cars and Bitcoin
2016 06 18 R3’s Hearn Discusses Corda Platform Features, Relying on Proven Industry Protocols |…
2016 01 18 A small followup. Mike Hearn “…Most of the negative feedback was in the form of conspiracy theories about me, rather than addressing the issues raised”.
2016 01 17 A Bitcoin Believer’s Crisis of Faith. Nytimes By Nathaniel Popper “It never occurred to me that the thing could just fall apart because of people getting crazy and having fundamental political disagreements over the goals of the project,” Mr. Hearn said in a Skype interview from his apartment. “It’s really shaken my faith in humanity.”
2016 01 17 “El bitcóin ha fracasado: he vendido todas mis monedas” – RT en Español
2015 11 20 – Bitcoin core developer joins blockchain consortium with 5 global banks. By Michael del Castillo – Reporter, New York Business Journal
2015 11 20 – 30 top banks and Mike Hearn have now joined R3 Global Consortium 2015 11 07 I’m Mike Hearn, creator of Lighthouse, bitcoinj and Bitcoin XT. Ask me anything! 2015 08 15 Why is Bitcoin forking? A tale of differing visions. Mike Hearn

2015-08-06 Block size following technological growth Mike Hearn hearn at – linuxfoundation
2015-06-08 – VIDEO EB82 – Mike Hearn – Blocksize Debate At The Breaking Point
2015-06-01 [Bitcoin-development] soft-fork block size increase (extension blocks) From: Adam Back <adam@cy…>
2015 05 07 Crash landing. Mike Hearn
2015 05 05 The capacity cliff. Mike Hearn – This article analyses some proposed alternatives to raising Bitcoin’s network capacity, specifically, the Lightning network. But the arguments made are general and could apply to other proposed alternatives too.
2015 04 18 – VIDEO CoinScrum: QA with Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn. London 2015 2015 03 28 “Double spending in Bitcoin” A good explanation with example cases by Mike Hearn
2015 03 28 Replace by fee. by Mike Hearn
2015 03 23 Bitcoin’s seasonal affective disorder. Mike Hearn
2014 12 24 –On December 27, 2014 Hearn released version 0.10 of the client, with the BIP 64 changes.[6]
2014 06 10 –On June 10, 2014 Mike Hearn published a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP 64), calling for the addition of “a small P2P protocol extension that performs UTXO lookups given a set of outpoints.”[5]
2014 05 24 – VIDEO Mike Hearn, Bitcoin Core Developer NBC2014 – General thoughts on Bitcoin and how it’s doing, how it might work out.
2014 01 – VIDEO Coinscrum – Mike Hearn – Recorded By IamSatoshi – London 2014
2013 11 11 – VIDEO Mike Hearn, Bitcoin Core Developer, About Smart Contracts And Smart Property.
2013 – Mike Hearn, Bitcoin Developer – Turing Festival 2013

2012 – VIDEO Bitcoin 2012 London: Mike Hearn – Future of Bitcoin and rebuilding the financial system 27 sept. 2012 Bitcoin 2012 London: Mike Hearn 2012 – VIDEO Abuse at Scale (RIPE 64) A talk in 2012 at the RIPE64 internet engineering conference, on trends Google was seeing in email abuse.
2011 04 23 “I’ve moved on to other things. It’s in good hands with Gavin and everyone”. Satoshi Nakamoto
2011 03 07 Open sourced my Java SPV impl
2011 01 BitCoin meetup in Zurich, Feb 2011? January 10, 2011, 10:57:22 AM
2010 12 29 Happy Christmas Satoshi. To: Satoshi Nakamoto
2010 12 27 Happy Christmas Satoshi. Date: Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:21 PM To: Satoshi Nakamoto
2009 10 24 > The following four lines print from the terminal when I start Bitcoin. Sourceforge
2009 04 12 Mike Hearn/Satoshi Nakamoto Email 1 From: Mike Hearn <>

“on 12 January 2009 – it is the first outgoing transaction we know to have come from Satoshi. Satoshi also sent four other transactions on the same day. I asked Wright who the recipients were – who the four addresses belonged to. ‘Hal, Dave, myself,’ he replied. ‘And another I cannot name as I have no right to do so.’ Wright told me that around this time he was in correspondence with Wei Dai, with Gavin Andresen, who would go on to lead the development of bitcoin, and Mike Hearn, a Google engineer who had ideas about the direction bitcoin should take….”
The Satoshi Affair. Andrew O’Hagan : 30 June 2016
Craig Steven Wright academic (1992-2012)
- If I’d Known What We Were Starting. By Ray Dillinger.
- Interview with Ray Dillinger
- Bitcoin and me. By Hal Finney
- Interview with Laszlo Hanyecz
- I believe Craig Steven Wright is the person who invented Bitcoin. By Gavin Andresen
- How I Met Satoshi. By Jon Matonis
- Is he Satoshi or is he my Brother? By Danni DeMorgan
- La saga Satoshi continúa: Joseph Vaughn Perling
- BTC y la censura. By Craig Wright
- Evidencia y ley By Craig Wright
- La historia de Bitcoin, continuación… (Segunda parte) By Craig Wright
- Cuidado con lo que deseas… By Craig Wright
- Compilation of +440 Craig Wright´s Post, Papers & Books
- Craig Wright´s Post Compilation in Alphabetical order
- TELEGRAMS CHANNELS: Names in alphabetical order
- BSV Twitter
- BSV Telegram