Who is Gavin Andresen?
From Reddit (2015 ): I’m Gavin Andresen, Chief Scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation.
I’m 47 years old and live and work in Amherst, Massachusetts with my wife, two kids and assorted pets.
I was born in Melbourne, Australia as “Gavin Bell” but moved to the US when I was five years old. I grew up in Seattle Washington, Anchorage Alaska and the Santa Ynez Valley, California.
After graduating from Princeton University (Computer Science), I worked at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems for eight years, creating 3D graphics software (Open Inventor and VRML).
My wife and I moved to Madison, Wisconsin after she got her PhD from Stanford. There I wrote a book and co-founded a startup that failed. We moved to Amherst in 1998, where I worked on an Internet Walkie-Talkie, online games for blind and sighted people, tools for Prosper lenders, a web site content management system for Gravity Switch, and part of the back-end for a search engine for computer science research literature.
Phew. That long list makes me feel old.
I first heard about Bitcoin in a May, 2010 InfoWorld article, and started working on Bitcoin-related projects soon after. I’m proud of my contributions:
- I gave away over 10,000 bitcoins through the Bitcoin Faucet
- I created the first alt-coin, the Bitcoin Testnet
- I’ve added 62,000 and removed 76,000 lines of code from Bitcoin Core (I like to simplify)
- I’ve written nine BIPS, including multi-signature transaction support and the Payment Protocol
You can read about what I’ve been working on recently at the Foundation blog.
I try not to let Bitcoin completely take over my life; I spend about eleven evenings a year as an elected member of Amherst Town Meeting. And I still have some time to ride my bicycle or unicycle, use my skeptical skills to debunk the crazy things friends post on Facebook, and read a little science fiction.
You can get an idea of topics I find interesting and how I think at my blog.

2010/10/21 Version 0.3.14 is now available Changes: Gavin Andresen:
- TEST network mode with switch -testnet
- Option to use SSL for JSON-RPC connections on unix/osx
- validateaddress RPC command eurekafag:
- Russian translation
2011/02/18 Making Money- Gavin Andresen @ Ignite Amherst
2011/03/15 EconTalk Interview with Gavin Andresen
2011/04/26 Satoshi’s Final Email to Gavin Andresen.
2011/05/11 Who is Satoshi, the mysterious bitcoin founder? 3 min
2011/05/11 Gavin explains the fundamentals of Bitcoin. 2 min
2011/05/11 The million bitcoin question: Can the system be hacked?
2011/06/16 The Bitcoin Show – Episode 003 by Bruce Wagner
2011/04/27 Gavin will visit the CIA. bitcointalk
2011/06/20 Gavin Andresen brings this PDF to the CIA.
2011/08/20 The Bitcoin Show: Special Bitcoin Conference Coverage: Gavin Andresen
2011/08/22 Gavin Andresen: How I Got Started in Bitcoins
2011/09/15 The Bitcoin Show – Episode 047
Panel Discussion with: Bruce Wagner,
Stefan Thomas of Weusecoins.com and BitcoinJS,
2012/05/01 Neutralizing a 51% attack. by Gavin Andresen
2013/05/15 Triangulation 103: Gavin Andresen. Triangulation

Documentary: The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin
Año. 2014
Duración. 96 min.
País. Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
Dirección. Nicholas Mross
Reparto. , Gavin Andresen, Brian Armstrong, Margaux Avedisian
2014/03/27 Gavin Andresen, Princeton Bitcoin Conference pt 2
2014/04/08 From mid-2010 until April-2014, Gavin Andresen maintained control of the Bitcoin Core GitHub repository and was considered Bitcoin’s lead developer. On April 8, 2014, Andresen stepped down and van der Laan agreed to take over as Lead Maintainer of the Bitcoin repo. His salary is paid by MIT’s Digital Currency Initiative, where he works on Bitcoin development with Andresen and Cory Fields
2014/04/11 CITP Bitcoin Keynote Gavin Andresen mov
2014/04/12 The Bitcoin Phenomenon. Bitcoin documentary
SQ1.tv interviewed many of the leaders in the Bitcoin movement including Gavin Andresen.
2014/05/28 Bitcoin2014 – Annual State of Bitcoin by Gavin Andresen, Chief Scientist of Bitcoin Foundation
2014/05/18 Satoshi Nakamoto Revealed @ #Bitcoin2014
2014/11/06 Bitcoin Foundation’s Chief Scientist Speaks at Isenberg. University of Massachusetts Amherst
2015 Film: The Bitcoin Story
Director Bhu Srinivasan
Reparto Gavin Andresen, Peter Vessenes, C. Bennett Hoffman
2015/04/18 CoinScrum: QA with Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn.
2015/05/04 Time to roll out bigger blocks
2015/05/05 Will a 20MB max increase centralization? “I chose 20MB as a reasonable block size to target because 170 gigabytes per month comfortably fits into the typical 250-300 gigabytes per month data cap– so you can run a full node from home on a “pretty good” broadband plan.”

2015/06/22 BIP: 101 This BIP proposes replacing the fixed one megabyte maximum block size with a maximum size that grows over time at a predictable rate.
2015/08/09 What Lightning Is
“I’d love to see somebody write up a higher-level description of what the
user experience is like…”
2015/08/25 The Looming Problem That Could Kill Bitcoin. MIT Technology Review. by Tom Simonite
The man who took over stewardship of Bitcoin from its mysterious inventor says the currency is in serious trouble. by Tom Simonite
2015/08/31 EB94 – Gavin Andresen: On The Blocksize And Bitcoin’s Governance”
2015/9/1 Dr Adam Back and Gavin Andresen discuss a block size increase. – Gavin Andresen at 23:00 minute
“In my heart of hearts, I think everything would be just fine if the block limit was completely eliminated. I think actually nothing bad would happen.”
2015/09/03 “We Need a New Way of Governing Bitcoin”.
September 03, 2015 – Posted by Kyl@TorpeyAleey
2015/09/15 “Todavía desaconsejo invertir los ahorros en Bitcoin, aun puede fracasar” – MIT Technology Review
2015/9/16 Coinbase Speaker Series: Gavin Andresen of Bitcoin Foundation
2015/11/09 Panel Discussion-DevCore Draper University 2015
Andreas Antonopoulos, Matt Corallo, Greg Maxwell, Michael Perklin, Gavin Andresen. The Bitcoin Foundation
2016/02/10 Bitcoin Classic 0.11.2 gavin andresen released it
2016/01/13 Bitcoin Classic: el nuevo hard fork presentado por Gavin Andresen. Por Jaime Sandoval
2016/02/27 Gavin Andresen
2016/03/09 Bitcoin Core Dev: Gavin Andresen’s GitHub Privileges Were A “Liability”
2016/03/09 A Gavin Andresen le restringen el acceso al código fuente de Bitcoin Core
2016/03/09 Gavin Andersen: Bitcoin Network Increasingly Unreliable
2016/05/02 Satoshi “I believe Craig Steven Wright is the person who invented Bitcoin”
2016/05/02 Gavin Andresen about Craig Wright as Satoshi Nakamoto.
2016/05/02 Gavin explains the Craig controversy at Consensus 2016
2016/05/02 Gavin Andresen GitHub Commit Access Revoked. JP Buntinx
2016/05/02 Gavin Andresen: I Was Not Hacked, and I Believe Craig Wright Is Satoshi. Gizmodo
2016/05/06 Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
“…Gavin various times to give up his privileges with the github project..”
Wladimir J. van der Laan – laanwj
2016/05/25 Bitcoin Protocol Role Models. Gavin Andresen´s Blog
2016/06/30 “…Andresen crossed the Atlantic overnight, arriving at the Covent Garden Hotel at 11 a.m. on 7 April. He went to his room – which had been booked, as had his flight, by nCrypt …” Pag. 37 The Satoshi afaire. Andrew O’Hagan
2016/09/28 Andresen: Ethereum Won’t Replace Bitcoin, But it’s More Decentralized. by Jon Southurst
2016/11/16 Either/or : ignore!
Now that six months have gone past, I’m being asked if I still think Craig Wright was Satoshi.
2017/03/2 Gavin Andresen: “Run Bitcoin Unlimited” To Solve “Destructive Congestion”. Cointelegraph

2017/05/03 Former Bitcoin Core’s Gavin Andresen Hits Blockstream, Labels Greg Maxwell and Samson Mow
2017/05/19 Where is Gavin Andresen? The Quiet Exile of Bitcoin’s Former Face. By Bailey Reutzel
2017/05/26 An Interview with Gavin Andresen Part 1. Eli Afram. CoinGeek
2017/08/16 Lightning Network Will Be Highly Centralized: Gavin Andresen

2017/11/11 The post Gavin Andresen Drops Bombshell: Bitcoin Cash is the Real BTC on Bitsonline .

2018/02/14 Not as rich as you think…
2018/03/04 Gavin Andresen about Bitcoin
2019/01/02 Bitcoin | The Hostile Takeover. Philosophy Workout – Johannes Thiesen
2019/08/2 “Roger Ver: La verdadera historia de cómo Bitcoin-BTC mutó en lo que es hoy”
- Si hubiera sabido lo que estábamos empezando. (Ray Dillinger)
- Interview with Ray Dillinger
- Bitcoin and me (Hal Finney)
- Confesiones de Laszlo Hanyecz.
- Creo que Craig S. Wright es la persona que inventó Bitcoin. (Gavin Andresen)
- Cómo conocí a Satoshi. (Jon Matonis)
- ¿Es él Satoshi o es mi hermano? (Danni DeMorgan)
- La saga Satoshi continúa: Joseph Vaughn Perling
- BTC y la censura. (Craig Wright)
- Evidencia y ley. (Craig Wright)
- La historia de Bitcoin, continuación… (Craig Wright) (Segunda parte)
- Cuidado con lo que deseas… (Craig Wright)
- Compilation of +440 Craig Wright´s Post, Papers & Books
- Craig Wright´s Post Compilation in Alphabetical order till 2017
- TELEGRAMS CHANNELS: Names in alphabetical order
- BSV Twitter
- BSV Telegram