“I don’t think Craig is a scammer. I think he is Satoshi, but deserves his privacy if that is what he wants”.

Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell@gmail.com> Apr 14, 2017, 12:35 AM to Roger As you might be aware Craig Wright has started up a new round of scamming: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/13/company-behind-bitcoin-creator-sold-to-private-investors.html I believe this time around he is seeking to pull in funding from investors in Asia who are too technically unsophisticated to see through his fraudulent claims. His scams divert funding that might otherwise flow into the legitimate cryptocurrency industry, make our work look like a scam, and risk encouraging further state action which would be adverse to our interests. We disagree on many things, but I hope we can find agreement to act in concert to protect Bitcoin's reputation. I'm hoping there could be a brief-- three or four sentence statement-- affirming that almost universally the Bitcoin community finds his claims to be implausible to the point of not being worth discussion... and get many people to sign onto it. This statement could easily be translated into Chinese where it would more readily meet the likely victims of his latest approach. Would this be something you might consider supporting? Roger Ver Apr 17, 2017, 2:05 AM I don’t think Craig is a scammer. I think he is Satoshi, but deserves his privacy if that is what he wants.